Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the day after monday

credits: me!wakaka

Hello peeps!

I know its been awhile since I blogged. Mainly 'cos I'm lazy and I don't have anything THAT interesting that'll make me overcome my laziness and blog.
Anyways, I'm here to blog some random stuff now.
Let me introduce my 3 recent bfs! XD
BF NO. 1
I see my bf's picture everywhere and I'm so proud of him..haha
BF NO. 2
My bf yeng le..(must say the yeng in kenzhi's style) laughs!
BF NO. 3
Oh! The red one is my bf (quite obviously)..even in watsons you can see my bf!
Proud sial of my bfs..
You think I'm hallucinating?
No, I'm lying.
Do you feel zha dou? Do you? Do you?
Anyways, on thursday we need to pass up our BM movie. The word MOVIE sounds interesting right? But no, it is not fun. Its alot of editing work to do. I think alot of groups are also not done. We only had a week to finish it and if all the movies turn out great, we'll be the "next top directors" or "next top actors/actresses".
Besides that, this saturday is another thing to worry about. It's our school's appreciation day. Every hip-hoppers of our class have to perform. Need lots and lots of pratice. Aiks. Hope it turn out well. Last thing, I NEED to watch 2012. -.-
That's it for now!
Bee bee :)

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